Jalyn’s Resort is delighted to announce that we are no longer completely dependent on electricity from the grid! Our Solar Power setup covers all our electrical and hot water needs, with a battery system for overnight coverage.
For our valued guests this means vital amenities will work without interruption. No waking up in the middle of the night to discover the air-conditioning has switched off!
At Jalyn’s Resort we are constantly striving to ensure our guests have the best possible experience while staying with us. We hope you will be joining us in 2023 to enjoy a spectacular tropical adventure in Puerto Galera

Background on the power situation in Puerto Galera
Puerto Galera has faced frequent brownouts and problems with electricity supply since 2020, with a significant increase in brownouts during 2022. These power interruptions have not only affected the daily lives of residents, but have also disrupted the local tourism industry.
The root cause of the power interruptions is the inadequate generation capacity of the local power utility, which has struggled to keep up with the growing demand for electricity in the area. This has resulted in frequent brownouts, particularly during peak hours, when residents and tourists need electricity the most.
The situation has become so severe that local businesses, particularly those in the hospitality industry, have had to resort to using backup generators to ensure that they can continue to provide essential services to their customers. This has added an extra cost burden to these businesses, which are already struggling due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism.
Moreover, the frequent power interruptions have also impacted the local economy as a whole, as many businesses have had to reduce their operating hours or even close down due to the lack of reliable electricity.
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